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Why join the chamber?

Help your business grow by being part of our Chamber which is committed to generating more business activity in the community. Through business-to-business networking, promotion and educational events, joining the Chamber is a great way to enhance your business’ wellbeing and visibility in the community.

Chamber events and programs

Chamber events and programs provide opportunities to hear informative, educational and motivational speakers and connect with local businesses and local professionals.

Gain a voice in government

Being part of Noosa Chamber is a being part of a strong advocacy group that directly lobbies governments on the issues that matter for you and your business

Chamber news and social media

Noosa Chamber features in the local newspaper and is on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Members can also subscribe for updates from the Queensland Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCIQ).

Increase your visibility in the community

As a member, you can feature your business in our online Member Directory, showcase your venue by hosting chamber events, share your expertise by being a speaker, and be an event or chamber sponsor.


The Chamber offers opportunities for members to meet other members and local business people, who are potential customers, clients and service providers.

Learning and upskilling

Noosa Chamber offers occasional workshops and seminars for member businesses. Members also can access webinars of the Queensland Chamber of Commerce (CCIQ) via our website.

Access to members-only benefits

Members can attend Chamber events for free or at a discounted price and feature in the Chamber’s online Member Directory.

Membership brings credibility

Being a member increases the positive perception of your business amongst customers and other business owners. It is a great way to discover opportunities with other members as well as within the wider community.


Noosa Chamber of Commerce, We are here to ensure your business reaches its full potential. We host business networking in Noosa through regular events, and connect with you via our social media.



© Noosa Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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